This book is dividedinto four sections. The first section introduces the theoretical foundation forthe studies of Chinese prosodic words, including the prosodic structure,prosodic hierarchy, and the theory of prosodic morphology with prosodic wordsas the template. The second section elaborates on the operation of Chineseprosodic morphology, proposing the “Template Rule of Chinese Prosodic Words”and analyzing various phenomena of compound words in Chinese based on thisrule. The third section mainly talks about Chinese “word sense” as well as therelationship between prosodic words and the word sense. The fourth sectionmakes some additional remarks on questions like “whether tone sandhi directlypoints to prosodic words”, “which methods need special attention in the studyof prosodic grammar” and “the interaction between prosodic morphology andprosodic syntax”.<br/>
<b>About the Author</b><br/>
Pei Yulai is an associateprofessor in the School of Sinology, Xi’an International Studies University,and a Ph.D. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Peking University,whose research interests focus on Chinese prosodic grammar and Chinese languageteaching, etc. Mr. Pei has hosted several projects of social sciences andeducational reform supported by national and provincial funds, and has won anaward of Outstanding Research Achievement of Philosophy and Social Sciences ofShaanxi Province. His works include the academic book The Relation Between POS-NOS and Prosodic Structure’s Production and a number of papers published in Journal of Chinese Linguistics, ContemporaryLinguistics, Linguistic Sciences, Chinese Language Learning and otherjournals.<br/>
Track Book Series
A Series of Books on Chinese Prosodic Grammar: Chinese Prosodic Words