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Democratic Party, the Chinese People's National Salvation Association, the ThreePeople's Principles Comrades Association, the Association for Promoting Democracyof the Chinese KMT and the China Zhi Gong Dang, three other parties includingthe Jiu San Society, the Taiwan Democratic Self-government League and the NewDemocratic Youth League also attended the conference. In addition, democratswithout party affiliation attended the conference as a unit. In November 1949,the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese KMT, the Three People's PrinciplesComrades Association and the Association for Promoting Democracy of the ChineseKMT integrated into one organization-the Revolutionary Committee of the ChineseKMT. In December of the same year, the Chinese People's National SalvationAssociation announced its dissolution. Until then, eight democratic parties and publicfigures without party affiliation-a group with party nature, were formed outside theCPC in the New China.
The CPC did not act as a self-styled hero who had founded the New China, butrather consulted with representatives from various social strata and democratic partiesin an equal way; nor did the CPC impose its own opinions on others counting onits troops of one million soldiers. The CPC opened up a road that gathered togethervarious forces, built a new China in negotiation with them and shared power withthem. Shen Junru who witnessed that the Communist Party allotted the same numberof representatives to itself as that of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese KMTand the China Democratic League, said: "This is really the first democratic governmentand democratic spirit I have ever seen."
As the victory of the War of Liberation was approaching, the First PlenarySession of the CPPCC was convened at 7 p.m. on September 21, 1949 in the HuairenHall of Zhongnanhai. 634 representatives from various social sectors across China(including areas which had not yet been liberated) and foreign countries, gatheredtogether under the democratic flag. Among them were political leaders, generals whohad fought for the founding of the New China, famous scientists and artists, influentialpublic figures without party affiliation, and young talents.