The Life and Letters of Samuel Wells Williams

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I have entire charge of the Legation, and find it thus fareasy enough. Sarah helps me with the copying, and I canwrite all that is requisite. I have lately been the topic ofnewspaper tirade for my course respecting an American oncein the employ of the Chinese, who turned traitor, was takerprisoner, and delivered up, and again joined the rebels to beagain captured by the government troops. While in theircustody the second time he was drowned by a boat's capsizingin a rapid down which he was being conveyed, and thus endedhis miserable life. The United States authorities in China areinvested with more autb.ority than power, but if the fleetwhich has just been stationed in these waters remains, thesemiscreants can be checked. Some of them have acted likefiends towards the natives ; of those who were condemned inAmerican consular courts, one was hung, one cut his throatthe day before he was to have been executed, and one brokejail while under sentence of death. Thus some efforts havebeen made on our part to restrain evil-doers, and we are edu-cating the Chinese gradually up to a higher plane.I shouldcather say, God is employing His agents to make Himselfknown in one way and another in this land. It is thirty-twogears this day since I landed in Canton, and how rapid hasbeen the change during that part of China's history !

The Life and Letters of Samuel Wells Williams