This book adopts graphic input and subdivides the 14 topic units closely related to daily life into 95 subunits, including 1606 entries. Through the easy-to-understand graphical representation, learners can search for relevant words and expressions according to their category, thereby arousing their inner learning motivation. The illustrations in this dictionary are exquisitely designed according to juvenile psychology to stimulate readers interest in learning. Furthermore, every subunit is accompanied by an introduction of cultural background to acquaint learners with Chinese culture and is provided with commonly-used sentence patterns so that learners can imitate the example sentences to say and use the words and expressions learnt.
Table of Contents
第一单元 基本词汇 Unit 1 Basic Words 1 数字Numbers 2 时间Time 3 日历Calendar 4 货币Money 5 购物Shopping 6 颜色Colors 7 方位Directions and Positions 8 电话Telephone 9 反义词Opposites 第二单元 人与生活 Unit 2 People and Life 1 头部Head 2 日常生活Daily Life 3 动作Actions 4 情感Emotions 5 交际Communication 6 证件Certificates 7 国家Countries 第三单元 家庭 Unit 3 Family 1 家庭Family 2 人生经历Life Events 3 居家琐事Household Chores 4 清洁用品Cleaning Supplies 5 卧室和浴室Bedroom and Bathroom 6 厨房和餐厅Kitchen and Dining Room 7 客厅Living Room 8 房屋和花园House and Garden 第四单元 学校与学习 Unit 4 School and Study 1 教室Classroom 2 听读写Listen,Read and Write 3 学校School 4 电脑Computers 5 数学Mathematics 6 科学Science 7 写作Writing 第五单元 食物和餐饮 Unit 5 Food and Cooking 1 水果和坚果Fruits and Nuts 2 蔬菜Vegetables 3 肉类、家禽和海鲜Meat,Poultry and Seafood 4 冰箱里Inside of the Refrigerator 5 快餐Fast Food 6 烹饪Cooking 7 餐具和设备Dishware and Equipment 8 测量和容器Measurements and Containers 9 超级市场Supermarket 10 餐厅Restaurant 11 零食Snacks 12 美食Buffet 第六单元 服饰 Unit 6 Dress 1 衣服Clothes 2 睡衣和内衣Sleepwear and Underwear 3 鞋和饰品Shoes and Accessories 4 布料和图案Cloth and Design 5 购买和穿戴Purchase and Wear 第七单元 交通 Unit 7 Transportation 1 车辆和交通标志Vehicle and Traffic Signs 2 机场与航空Airport and Aviation 3 公共交通Public Transport 4 水上交通Water Traffic 第八单元 社区 Unit 8 Community 1 建筑Buildings 2 店铺和商厦Shops and Stores 3 银行和邮局Bank and Post Office 4 图书馆Library 5 幼儿园Kindergarten 6 城市广场City Square 7 犯罪和执法Crime and Law Enforcement 8 住宅与设施Residence and Facilities 第九单元 休闲娱乐 Unit 9 Leisure and Entertainment 1 棋牌Chess and Card 2 室内运动和健身Indoor Exercises and Body—building 3 户外运动和健身Outdoor Exercises and Body—building 4 在线生活Online Life 5 公园与游乐场所Park and Places to Visit 6 海滩与水上运动Beach and Water Sports 7 冬季运动Winter Sports 8 摄影、音乐和电影Photography,Music and Films 9 假日和节庆Holidays and Festivals 10 度假与旅行Vacation and Travel 第十单元 健康 Unit 10 Health 1 人体Human Body 2 伤病、症状和残障Injuries,Diseases,Symptoms and Disabilities 3 医院与治疗Hospital and Treatment 4 中医 Traditional Chinese Medical Science 第十一单元 动物、植物及环境 Unit 11 Animals,Plants and the Environment 1 宠物与动物Pets and Wild Animals 2 植物Plants 3 地貌Topography 4 海洋生物Marine Life 5 丛林中的动物Animals in the Jungle 第十二单元 地球与太空 Unit 12 Earth and Space 1 天气Weather 2 地球表面Surface of the Earth 3 能源和污染Energy and Pollution 4 中国China 5 世界The World 6 宇宙The Universe 第十三单元 工作 Unit 13 Work 1 职业Professions 2 工作Jobs 3 农场Farm 4 办公室Office 5 工厂Factory 6 宾馆Hotel 7 工具和材料Tools and Supplies …… 第十四单元 艺术 Unit 14 Art 附录一 APpendix Ⅰ 汉语基础知识Chinese Fundamentals 附录二 Appendix Ⅱ 拼音索引Pinyin Index 附录三 Appendix Ⅲ 英文索引English Index
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