"Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014" is a fully reflect the national economic and social development of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous large informative annual. This book contains key statistics throughout the region since 2013 and in 1978 an important year, the city and county (district) of key statistics in 2013.
"Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014" The book is divided into 23 chapters, namely: a synthesis; 2 National Accounts; 3 Population; 4 Employment and Wages; 5 fixed asset investment; 6 wholesale and retail.... ; 7 Foreign economic Relations and Trade; 8 accommodation and catering industry and tourism; 9 energy production and consumption; 10 finance, banking and insurance; 11 price; 12 people's lives; 13 resources and Environment; 14 city profiles.; 15. agriculture; 16 industry; 17 construction; 18 traffic, transport and telecommunications industries; 19 education, science and culture;.. 20 sports, health, social welfare and services; 21 regional economy; 22. (cities, districts) Basic 23 counties;. municipalities basic situation. To help readers understand the contents of the book is more intuitive and correct use of information, followed by chapter with Main Statistical Indicators. Appendix contents are: 2013 Guangxi Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin.
"Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014" The units of measurement used are internationally standard measurement units.
"Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014" part of the data in this yearbook totals due to rounding or the relative number of different calculation errors generated are not adjusted.
"Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014," the Yearbook of Statistics published before re-audit, where the discrepancies with the data in this yearbook, are subject to the yearbook.
"Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014" in this yearbook Source: mostly from the Statistical Yearbook, in part from the sample survey.