From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society

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One of China's finest sociologists and anthropologists, Fei Xiaotong works on these subjects were instrumental in laying a solid foundation for the development of sociological and anthropological studies in China, as well as in introducing social and cultural phenomena of China to the international community.
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Sample pages of From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society (ISBN:7513521174, 9787513521178)
Sample pages of From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society (ISBN:7513521174, 9787513521178)
Sample pages of From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society (ISBN:7513521174, 9787513521178)
Sample pages of From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society (ISBN:7513521174, 9787513521178)
In the last two chapters, I discussed first the relations between groups and individuals and then patterns of social structure. I proposed several concepts-in particular, "differential mode of association" (chaxugelu)and "organizational mode of association" (tuantigeju). I knew that these unfamiliar terms would cause troubles for my readers, but I had to create them in order to conceptualize clearly those contexts that are currently absent from
From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society