This book will help you live easily in China. It is divided into 14 different different sections suchlike greetings, shopping, dinning, making a call, transportation, etc. Under each topic, the sentences are practical and useful in many situations. The appendix includes Emergency Phone Number and Conversation Tables.
Table of Contents
目录 Contents 问候 Greetings 时间与安排 Time 购物 Shopping 就餐 Dining 家庭与工作 Family & Job 打电话 Making a call 交通与出行 Transportation 地点与方位 Directions 身体与感受 Health & Feelings 闲暇 Leisure 天气 Weather 家务 Housework 银行 Personal Banking 服务 Services 附录 十二属相 12 Chinese Years of Animals 八大菜系 Eight Cuisines 常用计量单位换算表 Conversion Tables 紧急电话号码 Emergency Phone Numbers
Track Book Series
Experiencing Chinese 100 Sentences: Living in China (50-70 Hours) (Korean edition) (with CD)