Meaning of 绵

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(Trad.: 綿)
Pinyin: mián
English Definition: silk floss; continuous; soft; weak; mild-mannered (dialect)
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 11; Radical:
Ideographic: A continuous thread of silk
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ ] silk; thread
    • [ ] silk, fabric; wealth, property
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Example Words
绵延 mián yán continuous (esp. of mountain ranges); to stretch long and unbroken; a continuous link; sostenuto (sustained, in music)
绵绵 mián mián continuous; uninterrupted
缠绵 chán mián touching (emotions); lingering (illness)
连绵 lián mián continuous; unbroken; uninterrupted; extending forever into the distance (of mountain range, river etc)
绵羊 mián yáng sheep
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Example Sentences
Another towel trend that is beginning to take hold is blends of wood fibers and cotton.
Use a staple gun to attach the batting and fabric in place.
Volunteers were attached to a brain-scanning device and were tickled on their palms with a piece of soft foam .
In other words, it's no good repeating a weak argument to people who are listening carefully.
If he brings a lamb as his sin offering, he is to bring a female without defect.