Meaning of 独占鳌头

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zhàn áo tóu (Trad.: 獨佔鰲頭)
to come first in triennial palace examinations (idiom, refers to the carved stone turtle head in front of the imperial palace, next to which the most successful candidate in the imperial examinations was entitled to stand); to be the champion; to be the very best in any field
Related Words
Antonyms: 平分秋色
Example Sentences
In one area of online commerce, at least, its companies dominate the world.
Cycling is behind other sports partly because in recent years the Tour was dominated by one man, Lance Armstrong.
But as American military superiority has increased, its reputation and ability to persuade others appear to have taken a hit.
Goso and Xinhua both have the advantage in term of providing content, while Bing has a big edge in technology and funds.
Though it's early in the running, right now, "7" is leading the race to be the World's Favorite Number.