Meaning of 辄

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(Trad.: 輒)
Pinyin: zhé
English Definition: then; at once; always; (archaic) luggage rack on a chariot
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 11; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (cart) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
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Example Words
动辄 dòng zhé easily; readily; frequently; at every turn; at the slightest pretext
浅尝辄止 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge
浅尝辄止 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge; also written 浅尝辄止
动辄得咎 dòng zhé jiù faulted at every turn (idiom); can't get anything right
动辄打骂 dòng zhé to beat sb. and swear at him on the least pretext (idiom)
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Example Sentences
That bad, huh? I'm all thumbs when it comes to matching colors.
Claire:Well, we can't do anything about that now. Just get it done.
Note what works for competitors and avoid their pitfalls.
The woman did not often fall asleep. Every night, she always got up early to recite Buddhist sutras of Zhun Ti and Jin Gang.
So what's a Chesapeake Energy investor to do?