Meaning of 累

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(Trad.: 纍)
Total strokes: 11; Radical:
Ideographic: Simplified form of 纍; growing silk in the fields ; also provides the pronunciation
Character Formation:
  • Above to below
    • [ tián ] field, farm, arable land; cultivated
    • [ ] silk; thread
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  • Pinyin: lèi
    English Definition: tired; weary; to strain; to wear out; to work hard
    Chinese Definition:

    Example Words:
    劳累 láo lèi tired; exhausted; worn out; to toil
    受累 shòu lèi to be put to a lot of trouble
    疲累 lèi tired; exhausted
    墨累 lèi Murray (name)
    达累斯萨拉姆 lèi Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)
    More: 累* | *累 | *累*
  • Pinyin: léi
    English Definition: rope; to bind together; to twist around
    Chinese Definition:

    Example Words:
    累累 léi léi (literary) (of fruit, achievements etc) clusters of; piles of; heaps of; gaunt; haggard; wretched; Taiwan pr. lei3 lei3
    累赘 léi zhuì superfluous; cumbersome; a burden on sb; a nuisance to sb; to inconvenience; to tie sb down; long-winded (of writing); also pr. [lei2 zhui5]
    累坠 léi zhuì variant of 累赘
    弹痕累累 dàn hén léi léi bullet-ridden
    More: 累* | *累 | *累*
  • Pinyin: lěi
    English Definition: to accumulate; to involve or implicate (Taiwan pr. [lei4]); continuous; repeated
    Chinese Definition:

    Example Words:
    积累 lěi to accumulate; accumulation; cumulative; cumulatively
    累计 lěi to accumulate; cumulative
    累累 lěi lěi again and again; innumerable; repeated; riddled with; accumulated
    累积 lěi to accumulate
    连累 lián lěi to involve; to implicate sb; to spread to others (harm, trouble, damage etc)
    More: 累* | *累 | *累*
Example Sentences
Traveling by train is tiring.
He feels very tired.
I am very tired today.
He feels tired from work.
I am so tired that I want to go to sleep.