Meaning of 曹魏

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cáo wèi
Cao Wei, the most powerful of the Three Kingdoms, established as a dynasty in 220 by Cao Pi 曹丕 , son of Cao Cao, replaced by Jin dynasty in 265
Example Sentences
The three countries, Wei regime for the Yuzhong County, the county is a cashmere County.
However, from the events that truly happened in the history, we find that the strategy rival of Cao-Wei was not Shu-Han, but Sun-Wu.
But to the Eastern Han Dynasty and Cao Wei Dynasty period, migration of the lie people was great and broad.
The irrigation and water conservancy project laid solid material foundation for the resuscitation and development of the Cao Wei period's economy.
The study of the system of historiographers is an important part of the Chinese historiography while the Period of Wei is an important stage for the development of the system.