Meaning of 恼

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(Trad.: 惱)
Pinyin: nǎo
English Definition: to get angry
Chinese Definition:
Synonym: 末路 死路
Total strokes: 9; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (heart) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ xīn ] heart; mind; soul
    • Above to below
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Example Words
烦恼 fán nǎo to be worried; to be distressed; worries
苦恼 nǎo vexed; distressed
恼火 nǎo huǒ to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to aggravate; annoying
恼怒 nǎo resentful; angry; to enrage sb
懊恼 ào nǎo annoyed; vexed; upset
More: 恼* | *恼 | *恼*
Example Sentences
Do not worry about your answers.
This math problem has been troubling me for a long time.
The beauty of nature is intoxicating, making people forget all their worries.
He likes watching comedy films because it is the best way for him to forget his worries.
The gloomy look on his face indicated to people that he was in some kind of hardship.