Meaning of 尽

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(Trad.: 儘, 盡)
Total strokes: 6; Radical:
Character Formation:
  • Surround from above
    • [ chǐ ] ruler, tape-measure; unit of length, about 1 ft.
    • ice
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  • Pinyin: jǐn
    English Definition: to the greatest extent; (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme; to be within the limits of; to give priority to
    Chinese Definition:

    Example Words:
    尽管 jǐn guǎn despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating
    尽快 jǐn kuài as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed
    尽快 jǐn kuài as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed
    尽量 jǐn liàng as much as possible; to the greatest extent
    尽早 jǐn zǎo as early as possible
    More: 尽* | *尽 | *尽*
  • Pinyin: jìn
    English Definition: to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth); all; entirely
    Chinese Definition:

    Example Words:
    尽力 jìn to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort
    尽情 jìn qíng as much as one likes
    尽头 jìn tóu end; extremity; limit
    自尽 jìn to kill oneself; suicide
    详尽 xiáng jìn thorough and detailed; exhaustive; the tedious details in full
    More: 尽* | *尽 | *尽*
Example Sentences
I must go home as soon as possible.
I will reply to you as soon as possible.
The students attempted their best to answer the questions.
Please answer my question as soon as possible.
We should try our best to reduce waste.