Meaning of 亥

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Pinyin: hài
English Definition: 12th earthly branch: 9-11 p.m., 10th solar month (7th November-6th December), year of the Boar; ancient Chinese compass point: 330°
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Example Words
辛亥革命 xīn hài mìng Xinhai Revolution (1911), which ended the Qing Dynasty
亥时 hài shí 9-11 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
亥猪 hài zhū Year 12, year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)
丁亥 dīng hài twenty-fourth year D12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2007 or 2067
俄亥俄 é hài é Ohio
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Example Sentences
It's called the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
And the place to start is A, Helmholtz free energy, or configurational free energy.
So I can in a very straightforward way say, OK, well, here is my Helmholtz free energy.
What this is telling us is that we just have a chemical potential, of Helmholtz free energy per molecule.
The 88-year-old Demjanjuk, who lives in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, denies involvement.