Meaning of 丧

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(Trad.: 喪)
Total strokes: 8; Radical:
Pictographic: Simplified form of 喪; to cry over the dead
Character Formation:
  • Above to below
    • [ wáng ] death, destruction; to lose; to perish
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  • Pinyin: sāng
    English Definition: mourning; funeral; (old) corpse
    Chinese Definition:
    Example Words:
    丧事 sāng shì funeral arrangements
    丧葬 sāng zàng funeral; burial
    发丧 sāng to hold a funeral
    丧礼 sāng funeral
    治丧 zhì sāng to prepare for a funeral
    More: 丧* | *丧 | *丧*
  • Pinyin: sàng
    English Definition: to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc); to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc); to die; disappointed; discouraged
    Chinese Definition:
    Example Words:
    丧失 sàng shī to lose; to forfeit
    沮丧 sàng dispirited; dejected; dismayed
    丧生 sàng shēng to die; to lose one's life
    丧气 sàng to feel disheartened
    垂头丧气 chuí tóu sàng hanging one's head dispiritedly (idiom); dejected; crestfallen
    More: 丧* | *丧 | *丧*
Example Sentences
He has lost confidence.
She is easily criticized and feels depressed.
We cannot give up hope for the future.
Her mistake led to the loss of an opportunity.
I always listen to this song when I'm feeling down.