Chinese Food (with 1 DVD)

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Table of Contents
两红柿炒鸡蛋Scrambled Eggs with Tomato
饮食文化:中国菜的“五味”“Five Flavor”ofChinese Dish/3
素烧茄子Braised Eggplant with Soy Bean Paste
清炒荷兰豆Sauteed Snow Peas
Cuisine ofShandong and Sichuan/16
乔菇油菜Saut4ed Cabbage Cole with Champignon
饮食文化:中国菜的烹调方法Cooking Methods ofChinese Cuisine/22
松仁米Sautred Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts
饮食文化:八大菜系(二)Eight Famous Cuisines(2)粤菜和闽菜
Cuisine of Guangzhou and Fujian/29
醋溜藕片Marinated LotUS Roots with Vinegar Sauce
饮食文化:素斋Vegetarian Dishes/36
地_i鲜Saut6ed Potato Green Pepper and Eggplant
饮食文化:地方小吃Local Snacks/43
西芹腰果百合Sautred Lily Bulbs and Celery
饮食文化:八大菜系(三)Eight Famous Cuisines(3)苏菜和浙菜
Cuisine ofSuzhou and Zhejiang/51
麻婆豆腐Mar—Boh Tofu
饮食文化:“麻婆豆腐”的由来The OriginofMar.BohTofu/58
鱼香肉丝Yu—Shiang Shredded Pork
饮食文化:八大菜系(四)Eight Famous Cuisines(4)湘菜和徽菜
Cuisine of Hunan and Anhui/64
京酱肉丝SautOed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce
饮食文化:与餐饮有关的汉字Chinese Characters Related to Food/71
木须肉SautOed Sliced Pork,Eggs and B1ack Fungus
饮食文化:中国茶Chinese Tea/78
糖醋排骨Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs
饮食文化:中国酒Chinese Wine/85
宫保鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken
饮食文化:中国饮食中的谐音文化Homonym Culture in Chinese Cuisine/92
黄焖鸡块Braised Chicken in Brown Sauce
饮食文化:餐桌上的礼仪Etique~e at the Dining Table/100
锅塌里脊Lean Meat Omelet
饮食文化:中医药膳Chinese Medicinal Diet/108
牛肉炖土豆Braised Beefwith Potatoes
红烧带鱼Braised Ribbonfish in Brown Sauce
饮食文化:中国菜的命名Naming Chinese Cuisine/123
油焖大虾Braised Prawns
饮食文化:有关“吃”的词语Words Related to Eating/129
清蒸桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish
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Sample pages of Chinese Food (with 1 DVD) (ISBN:9787301147290)

Sample pages of Chinese Food (with 1 DVD) (ISBN:9787301147290)
Chinese Food (with 1 DVD)