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Sun Tzu: The Ultimate Master of WarISBN: 9787508510408 | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 01/2007 Of the 4,000-odd books on military strategy produced over the course of Chinese history,The Art of War is almost unanimously acknowledged as the most... |
$8.60 |
China's Tibetan MastiffISBN: 7119042726 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 12/2005 The Tibetan Mastiff lives in Tibet, the most mysterious snowy plateau in the world. Boasting ferocity rivaling that of lions and tigers, aristocratic... |
$9.00 |
Chinese 101 in Cartoons (For CEOs)(With 1mp3)ISBN: 9787802004085 | Publisher: Sinolingua Press | Published on 10/2008 This book is intended for foreign business persons or managers who basically have no command of Chinese, and selected 101 commonly-used... |
$9.00 |
Chinese 101 in Cartoons: For Stuedents (w/MP3)ISBN: 7802006287,9787802006287 | Publisher: Sinolingua Press | Published on 09/2009 |
$9.00 |
CHINESE CERAMICSISBN: 9787508504178 | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 01/2004 Level: Advanced Beginning from the Neolithic Banpo Culture, China's ceramic industry has a history of over ,000 years. The evolution of the ceramic... |
$9.00 |
CHINESE KITEISBN: 9787508504151 | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 01/2004 Level: 成人(学汉语), 汉语研究者 Kite-flying is an age-old tradition in China, which can be traced back to over 2,000 years ago. Traditionally, Beijing,... |
$9.00 ... more info |
Chinese Paper CuttingISBN: 978750851416X | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 01/2004 Thousands of years of Chnese traditional culture has nurtured one Chinese generation after another. During the long practice, a special aesthetic... |
$9.00 |
Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching and TCSOLISBN: 9787513591553 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 06/2017 The four texts of the Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching and TCSOL are based on the lectures given by Professor Byram at the... |
$9.07 |
Chinese101 in Cartoons (For Travelers) with MP3ISBN: 9787802004566 | Publisher: Sinolingua Press | Published on 06/2011 |
$9.20 |
A Coursebook for Chinese Culture in EnglishISBN: 9787307222656 | Publisher: Wuhan University Press | Published on 07/2021 |
$9.67 |