壹养生祛病健康长寿 Ⅰ.Heath Preservation and Longevity 健康的八项标准 Eight standards for health 人失去健康的四个主要原因 Four main health—impairing factors 寿歌 Song of Longevity 病后调养四要点 Four tips for better rehabilitation 贰源远流长 Ⅱ.Time—honored Theories on Health Preservation 中华养生文化有三个基本特点 Three basic characteristics of Chinese regimens 中华养生的萌芽 The dawn Of Chinese regimen 火的作用与食物养生萌芽 The use of fire and the emergence of dietary regimen 先民懂得择居和“沐浴” Selecting shelters&bathing 劳动与体育养生 Labor and physical regimens 中华养生的理论基础 The theoretical basis of Chinese regimens 《黄帝内经》 Inner Canon ofthe Yellow Emperor 叁博大精深 Ⅲ.The Profound Culture of Chinese Regimens 诸子百家与养生文化 Quotes concerning health preservation of the Hundred Schools of Thought 道家养生 Taoist regimen 道法自然 Tao follows the law of nature. 恬惔虚无 Spiritual tranquility 重在贵生 Cherishing life and health 不治已病治未病 Prevention of diseases as the best therapy. 儒家养生 Confucian regimen 致中和 The state of moderation 慈、俭、和、静 Benevolence, frugality, harmony, and tranquility 君子有三戒 Three must—nots for health preservation 仁者寿 Benevolent people tend to live longer 佛家养生 Buddhist regimen 调心之法 Methods of mind cultivation 禅定与修心 Meditation and mental equilibrium 佛家的病理观 Buddhist pathology 身心合一 Body and mind become one 医学养生派 Regimen of Medicine School 中医经络 TCM meridians and collaterals 经络在全身的分布规律 Distribution of meridians and collaterals in the human body 十二经脉 Twelve meridians 奇经八脉 Eight extra channels 四时之脉 Pulse in the four seasons 医易同源 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Book of'Changes sharing the same origin 阴阳、五行学说 Theories of yin, yang and the five elements 一天中的阴阳 Yin and yang of a day 人体的生命周期 Processes of a human life 剖析衰老的奥秘 Analysis of the mystery of aging 四种生命活动基本特征的探讨 Four basic features of life 肆养形健身 Ⅳ.Fitness Keeping and Health Promotion 四季养生 Regimens in different seasons 春季养生 Spring regimen 夏季养生 Summer regimen 秋季养生 Autumn regimen 冬季养生 Winter regimen 调节四季情志 To regulate emotions in the four seasons 五官调护 The nursing of facial features 五官保健功法 Exercises for the health of facial features 腿、足及身体调护 Caring for legs and feet 脏与腑 Zang organs and fu organs 五脏 Five zang organs 六腑 Six fu organs 动静结合 The combination of the dynamic and the static 生命在于运动 Life lies in movement 运动原则 Principles of physical exercise 中国古代体育 Ancient Chinese sports 历代流传的养生强身功法选录 A selection of exercises for preserving and improving health handed down from past ages 易筋经 The Muscle—bone Strengthening Exercise 五禽戏 Five Animal Frolics 十二段锦 The Twelve Pieces of Brocade 延年九转法 The Nine Movements for Prolonging Life 太极拳 Tai Chi Chuan 太极八法 The Eight Methods of Tai Chi Chuan 吴式太极拳三十七式 The Thirty—Seven Movements of Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan 伍正心养神 Ⅴ.Mental Health 养神之道 The art of spiritual cultivation “神”在人体居首要之位 Spirit, the premier component of human body 形神一体 Union of body and spirit 养神的方法 Methods of spiritual cultivation 养心之道 Theories of spiritual cultivation 脑力劳动也益寿 Mental labor, no damage to life span 陆起居安适 Ⅵ.Importancc of Comfortable Living 规律起居 Keeping regular hours 安于居处 Living in an agreeable environment 睡眠与梦境 Sleep and dream 睡眠养生三法 Three ways to preserve health through sleep 科学起居要注意肠中常清 Purge your bowels of waste 肠胃运化食物图解 Illustrations of food digestion 科学起居要防“五劳七伤” To avoid the five fatigues" and "seven harms" 柒食养 Ⅶ.Dietary Regimen 调和五味 Balancing the "five tastes" 五谷为养 The "five grains",a source of nutrition 五果为助 The "five fruits", essential food supplements 五菜为充 The "five vegetables",indispensable nutrients 五畜为益 Meat of the "five domestic animals",bealth boosters 四季饮食 Diets of the four seasons 养气、血、阴、阳的食养品 Foods for the nourishment of qi, blood, yin, and yang 养心、肝、脾、肺、肾的食养品食物 Foods for the nourishment of heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys 养筋、骨、肤、发、齿的食养品常用食物 Foods for the nourishment of tendons, bones, skin, hair and teeth 饮食有节 Moderate diet 催人早衰的物质 Substances inducing premature aging 必须注意食品养生之禁忌 Important dietary taboos 饮水 The intake of water 食物——人体的生化之源 Food, the source of energy for the body “谨和五味” Balancing the“five tastes" 茶道养生 The health—preserving effects of tea 捌房室养生 Ⅷ.Preserving Health through Sex Life 房室养生 Preserving health through sex life 玖食用本草 Ⅸ.Consumption of Chinese Herbs 稻 Rice 小麦 Wheat 小米 Millet 雀麦 Oat 玉米 Maize 高粱 Sorghum 萝卜 Radish 黑豆 Black soybean 绿豆 Mung bean 芝麻 Sesame 白菜 Chinese cabbage 韭菜 Leek 芹菜 Celery 菠菜 Spinach 黄瓜 Cucumber 茄子 Eggplant 胡萝卜 Carrot 莴笋 Lettuce 木耳 Black fungus 山药 Yam 大葱 Scallion 姜 Ginger 番茄 Tomato 番薯 Sweet potato 冬瓜 Wax gourd 豆腐 Tofu 洋葱 Onion 鸡蛋 Eggs 藕 Lotus root 海带 Kelp 苹果 Apple 梨 Pear 柑 Tangerine 桃子 Peach 葡萄 Grape 香蕉 Banana 西瓜 Watermelon 荔枝 Litchi 栗子 Chestnut 枣 Date 猪肉 Pork 牛肉 Beef 羊肉 Mutton 鸡肉 Chicken 后记 Afterword"