Meaning of 颓圮

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tuí (Trad.: 頹圮)
to collapse; dilapidated
Example Sentences
Silently she goes further and further, To the crumbling wall, Out of the lane in the rain.
Yes, the problems of poverty and climate change and failing schools will resist easy repair.
Like a lilac floating lightly Into my dream is the lady Gently passing by me, Far, far away, she was vanishing silently To the end of the narrow way Where a ruined fence lay.
At her best, playing warmhearted floozies in Some Like It Hot and Bus Stop, she's like a slightly bruised moonbeam, something fragile and funny and imperiled.
Some time later he went to a church-builder in the same place, and under the architect's direction became handy at restoring the dilapidated masonries of several village churches round about.