Meaning of 靖

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Pinyin: jìng
English Definition: quiet; peaceful; to make tranquil; to pacify; surname Jing
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 13; Radical:
Ideographic: As peaceful as nature ; also provides the pronunciation
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ ] to stand; to establish, to set up
    • [ qīng ] nature's color; blue, green, black; young
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Example Words
绥靖 suí jìng to pacify; to appease; appeasement
绥靖主义 suí jìng zhǔ appeasement
靖国神社 jìng guó shén shè Yasukuni Shrine, Shinto shrine in Tokyo to Japanese war dead, controversial as burial ground of several Class A war criminals
靖宇 jìng Jingyu county in Baishan 白山 , Jilin
靖宇县 jìng xiàn Jingyu county in Baishan 白山 , Jilin
More: 靖* | *靖 | *靖*
Example Sentences
I actually had to go to my bank and ask them to teach me how to read my statement.
During the meeting, both Hamada and Gates agreed to continue consultations on their policies.
Do they really believe, after all this time, that gestures of appeasement to the G.O.P. will elicit a good-faith response?
Current Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada was more hesitant, saying debate on the issue should be calm and informed, or it risked fanning public emotions, Kyodo news agency said.
Japan's Defence Minister Yasukazu Hamada issued the orders to mobilise Japan's missile defence shield after a meeting with Prime Minister Taro Aso and cabinet ministers.