Meaning of 烃

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(Trad.: 烴)
Pinyin: tīng
English Definition: hydrocarbon
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 9; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (fire) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ huǒ ] fire, flame; to burn; anger, rage
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Example Words
环烃 huán tīng cyclic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving benzene ring)
烯烃 tīng olefine; alkene (chemistry)
烷烃 wán tīng alkane
卤代烃 dài tīng haloalkane (obtained from hydrocarbon by substituting halogen for hydrogen, e.g. chlorobenzene or the CFCs)
链烃 liàn tīng chain hydrocarbon
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Example Sentences
Dr Keith calls this approach "carbon-neutral hydrocarbons".
monocarboxylic acids, a suite of hydrocarbons that readily participate in chemical reactions;
Like crude oil and natural gas, most petrochemicals consist mainly of carbon and hydrogen and are called hydrocarbons.
The mechanism of hydrocarbon generation in carbonate rocks are studied by step heating extraction and simulation.
But two pairs of scientists proposed in 2005 that alien organisms might live instead in bodies of liquid hydrocarbons on the frigid moon.