Meaning of 徴

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character here
Pinyin: zhēng
English Definition: Japanese variant of
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 14; Radical:
Ideographic: To march on the king's orders
Character Formation:
  • Left to middle and right
    • [ chì ] to step with the left foot
    • Above to below
    • [ ] to rap, to tap; script; to let go
Similar Characters:
Example Sentences
However, optic neuropathy could be the only manifestation of relapse of leukemia.
This article is trying to do an all-round and deep-going analysis and research on the dialect materials that is requisitioned in Tongya.
If the government is going to impose other environmental taxes in Hong Kong, which of the following taxes would you accept? (You can tick more than one box)
We also have expertise on engineering, procurement, installation and commission major projects.
I cannot be compared to anything else: it is so sharp , precise, obvious and direct.