Meaning of 勿

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English Definition: do not
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 4; Radical:
Ideographic: A knife cutting fragments 丿 off
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Example Words
切勿 qiè by no means
格杀勿论 shā lùn to kill on sight with the authority of the law (idiom)
勿忘国耻 wàng guó chǐ Never forget national humiliation, refers to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 九一八事变 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria
勿忘我 wàng forget-me-not, genus Myosotis (botany)
宁缺勿滥 nìng quē làn same as 宁缺毋滥
More: 勿* | *勿 | *勿*
Example Sentences
Please do not cross the edge of the platform.
In an emergency, please don't panic.
Please do not expose the sample to sunlight
Please do not consume any food before blood testing.
The program is running, please do not copy or move any files.