Meaning of 侨

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(Trad.: 僑)
Pinyin: qiáo
English Definition: emigrant; to reside abroad
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 8; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (person) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
Similar Characters: 轿
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Example Words
华侨 huá qiáo overseas Chinese; (in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who still retains Chinese nationality; Classifiers:
侨胞 qiáo bāo countryman living abroad
归侨 guī qiáo Chinese person who returns to China after living as an expatriate
侨务 qiáo matters relating to the Chinese diaspora (as a concern of the Chinese government)
侨民 qiáo mín expatriates
More: 侨* | *侨 | *侨*
Example Sentences
What's your Alien Resident Certificate number?
Overseas Chinese flock to ethnic enclaves in search of their roots and cultural identity.