Meaning of 伫

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(Trad.: 佇, 竚)
Pinyin: zhù
English Definition: to stand for a long time; to wait; to look forward to; to accumulate; variant of ; to stand for a long time
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 6; Radical:
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ rén ] man, person; people
    • Above to below
      • [gàimian2] roof; house
      • [ ] one; a, an; alone
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Example Words
伫立 zhù to stand for a long time
伫列 zhù liè queue (computing)
More: 伫* | *伫 | *伫*
Example Sentences
Postpone not your life!
There is no timeout specified for a message to arrive in the queue.
The method returns immediately if a message already exists in the queue.
A queue that accepts only authenticated messages will reject a non-authenticated message.
Gets or sets the maximum amount of time for the message to be received from the destination queue.