1 | The greatest examples of this have been ZTE and Huawei, makers of telecoms equipment. | |
2 | WSJ: Have you directly communicated with the U.S. government on its political concerns about ZTE? | |
3 | 长期以来,华为与中兴一直是激烈的竞争对手。双方的总部都在深圳。双方的竞争激烈到双方的高管都讨厌被拿来与对方进行比较的程度。 Huawei and ZTE have long been fierce competitors. Both have their headquarters in Shenzhen and the rivalry goes so far that their executives resent being compared with each other. | |
4 | As a leading brand in China, ZTE' s EPON Solution has 45 percent market share in China market alone. | |
5 | Some officials argue China's military could use Huawei or ZTE equipment to disrupt or intercept American communications. |