Meaning of 裂

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Pinyin: liè
English Definition: to split; to crack; to break open; to rend
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 12; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (cloth) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Above to below
    • [ liè ] a line; to arrange, to classify
    • [ ] cloth; clothes, apparel; dress, coat
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Example Words
分裂 fēn liè to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism
破裂 liè to rupture; to fracture; to break down; (linguistics) plosion
断裂 duàn liè fracture; rupture; to break apart
裂缝 liè fèng crack; crevice; Classifiers:
决裂 jué liè to rupture; to burst open; to break; to break off relations with; a rupture
More: 裂* | *裂 | *裂*
Example Sentences
Low temperature can cause pipe fracture.
His lips were dry and cracked.
The water pipe is broken and needs to be repaired immediately.
The ground began to crack from the drought.
This controversy caused a serious rift.