Meaning of 衅

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(Trad.: 釁)
Pinyin: xìn
English Definition: quarrel; dispute; a blood sacrifice (arch.)
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 11; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (blood) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
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Example Words
挑衅 tiǎo xìn to provoke; provocation
寻衅 xún xìn to pick a quarrel; to start a fight
寻衅滋事 xún xìn shì to try to pick a quarrel (idiom)
观衅伺隙 guān xìn lit. to look for holes, and observe gaps (idiom); fig. to search out one's opponent's weak points; to look for the Achilles' heel
衅起萧墙 xìn xiāo qiáng There is internal strife. (idiom)
More: 衅* | *衅 | *衅*
Example Sentences
It was not the first Chinese provocation in recent months.
He wanted to vent his frustration and challenged the big guy, resulting in a beating.