Meaning of 忏

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(Trad.: 懺)
Pinyin: chàn
English Definition: feel remorse; regret; repent
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 6; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (heart) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
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Example Words
忏悔 chàn huǐ to confess; to repent; remorse; repentance; penitent; confession (Buddhism)
忏悔自新 chàn huǐ xīn to repent and make a new start (idiom)
忏悔赎罪 chàn huǐ shú zuì to show repentance and atone for one's crime (idiom)
More: 忏* | *忏 | *忏*
Example Sentences
This is the meaning of repentance.
Why did he teach us so many sutras and methods?
On the other hand, repentance is the most profound and subtle mental movement.
Repentance is Dharma. Repentance is like water, it can wash away filth.
Bowing is some kind of quantitative change, while repentance is a qualitative change.