Meaning of 崃

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(Trad.: 崍)
Pinyin: lái
English Definition: name of a mountain in Sichuan
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 10; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (mountain) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ shān ] mountain, hill, peak
    • [ lái ] to arrive, to come, to return; in the future, later on
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Example Words
邛崃 qióng lái Qionglai county level city in Chengdu 成都 , Sichuan
邛崃山 qióng lái shān Qionglai Mountains in western Sichuan between the Min 岷江 and Dadu 大渡河 rivers
邛崃市 qióng lái shì Qionglai county level city in Chengdu 成都 , Sichuan
邛崃山脉 qióng lái shān mài Qionglai mountains on the boundary of the Sichuan basin 四川盆地
崃嵦 lái ai Name of a mountain
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Example Sentences
It has an outstanding beauty, with many walking trails, canyons and waterfalls.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.