Meaning of 冻

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(Trad.: 凍)
Pinyin: dòng
English Definition: to freeze; to feel very cold; aspic or jelly
Total strokes: 7; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (ice) conveys the meaning.
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Example Words
冻结 dòng jié to freeze (water etc); (fig.) to freeze (assets, prices etc)
冻土 dòng frozen earth; permafrost; tundra
冷冻 lěng dòng to freeze; to deep-freeze
解冻 jiě dòng to melt; to thaw; to defrost; fig. to relax (repression, enmity etc)
冰冻 bīng dòng to freeze
More: 冻* | *冻 | *冻*
Example Sentences
Low temperatures can easily cause frostbite.
Low temperature can cause pipe fracture.
It was sunny during the day, but freezing at night.
Frozen foods should be thawed before being heated.
My fingers were so cold that I couldn't feel anything.