Meaning of 乍

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Pinyin: zhà
English Definition: at first; suddenly; abruptly; to spread; (of hair) to stand on end; bristling
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 5; Radical: 丿
Character Formation:
  • Surround from upper left
    • 丿 [ piě ] slash
    • Overlaid
      • [ xià ] below, underneath; inferior; to bring down; next
      • [ ] one; a, an; alone
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Example Words
初来乍到 chū lái zhà dào to be a newcomer; just off the boat
新来乍到 xīn lái zhà dào newly arrived (idiom)
乍暖还寒 zhà nuǎn huán hán to become cooler but occasionally turn warm (idiom)
乍得 zhà Chad
乍得湖 zhà Lake Chad
More: 乍* | *乍 | *乍*
Example Sentences
A first response to this declaration might be to describe it as either a lie or a joke.
"The Flower of Space". At first, it seems to be made of stained glass or something else.
The logo at first looks like an eagle but as you look you see one man is performing a lewd act on another.
Around streetlights in leafy suburbs what often seems like a moth at first glance may in fact be a small bat.
But as science probes deeper into these eccentricities, it is becoming clear that behaviours and attributes that seem frivolous at first glance often go to the heart of what it means to be human.