Talking Chinese to Pinyin/Zhuyin Converter


How to use this Chinese to Pinyin/Zhuyin Conversion Tool:
This tool allows you to convert Chinese text into Pinyin/Zhuyin, which are the two most common Chinese phonetic systems. Simply paste Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters into text box, press Convert button and you'll get the Pinyin/Zhuyin result. You can then copy the Pinyin/Zhuyin annotated text, or export to Word PDF documents.
This tool also supports conversion from photo image or text/subtitle files.
For more information, click here to view user guide

Select file (.txt, .srt or .lrc; maximally KB in size; encoded with GBK or UTF-8):

Choose files or drag and drop files here
This tool helps you to easily add Pinyin/Zhuyin annotation on Chinese subtitles (captions) or lyric files

How to use:
1. Upload .srt/.lrc/.txt file
2. Select the phonetics you would like to use
3. Click on "Convert" button, the converted file will be downloaded soon.

Please make sure the file is encoded with GBK or UTF-8. Maximum size of input file is 2,000 KB.
For more details, please check this article.

Select image files (.jpg/.jpeg/.png/.bmp/.gif):

Choose files or drag and drop files here
1) This tool converts Chinese text on image files (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif)
2) Recommended image size is 1024 x 768 pixels
3) Maximum size of input file is 5,000 KB.